Wednesday, October 29, 2014

MacKenna Writes what? I am really a writer? Does just wanting to be a writer and writing down words on paper truly make me one?

With these questions in mind, I've decided to chronicle my journey through writing. For my own benefit, yes, but perhaps also to help someone else in their own journey.

Been writing for a while now. That first chapter in the first draft comes pretty easy but I'm not sure where I go afterward. There are so many things to remember. So many things. There's GMC or Goal, Motivation and Conflict. There's character driven or plot driven. Let's not forget pacing and chapter hooks or starting in the action. And those are only the ones off the top of my head. I don't know if I'll ever learn. Really wishing I'd paid more attention in grade school English.

Friday, June 7, 2013



I've always looked at the stars with wonder, could watch the NASA channel only to look up from the computer with the day spent.  I suppose that's why my current work in progress is so interesting to me.  It merges both my interests.  Romance and NASA!! 

So I suppose this revelation of life made me wonder about the rest of the world's passions.  If you had no responsibilities, no one to ask a question or cut into your time...what would you spend the day doing?